The Budget measure in this solution is only relevant to analyze through time. Since our budget is not related to Items, Customers or other dimension we might as well create a Display folder containing only Measures and Dimensions relevant for Budget.
Since the Time dimension is shared we will simply create a copy of the Time hierarchy using copy/paste.
One of the hierarchies we rename to Sales Hierarchy and the other Budget Hierarchy:
Finally, we delete the lowest level of the Budget Hierarchy since all budgeting in this solution is done at the monthly level.
This is now our Source Data Tab from as the TARGIT client presents it:
Working with properties for dimensions and measures we create 2 display folders according to the table below:
Display Folder |
Sales |
Budget |
Customer |
X |
Item |
X |
Period (Budget Hierarchy) |
X |
Month |
X |
Period (Sales Hierarchy) |
X |
Salesperson |
X |
Budget |
X |
Budget Variance |
X |
Budget Variance % |
X |
Cost |
X |
Revenue (use ; to separate the 2 display folders in the properties) |
X |
X |
Units Sold |
X |
In the most Collapsed version source data will now look like this…
…and expanding the Display Folders makes it look something like this:
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