Creating a Database connection from TARGIT Management client

Click the Connections icon. This is where we define which database(s) we would like the TARGIT Server to connect to.

At first we notice that multiple database connections have already been defined:

  • GIS. GIS is for Geographical Information Systems. If your TARGIT solution includes scalable maps, based on GIS information, you must use this entry to map GIS information to dimension values.
  • Finance / Inventory / Production / Sales / Web Analytics. These five connections are the basis for the data that we can see with the demo installation. We will add a new connection to point to our SQL Server 2008 Analysis Services OLAP database.

Right click the Connections window and select Add.


The Database Connection wizard appears. Select the Multi-Dimensional Database option.


Choose database provider. Select the Microsoft Analysis Services 2012 option.


Name the connection Training and click Next.


Next you have to define the server and database to be used.


Click Next to define additional properties. Accept the default settings


We have now defined the Connection Type, the Provider and the Connection which is what is needed to make the TARGIT Server use this data source.

Click Create. 

Let’s take a look at our database connections. Notice that we now have four real database connections.

In the following lessons we will only use data from the Training connection, the connection to our newly designed OLAP database. To avoid confusion later in this course we will disable the former connections: Finance, Inventory, Production, Sales and Web Analytics. Right-click the five demo connections to open the context menu and to disable these connections.


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