Webhook notifications

[On-prem release: 2021 Summer]
[On-prem build: 21222]

From a TARGIT Notification agent you can now choose to trigger a Webhook as an alternative to the traditional notification email.

A Webhook is a standard that offers pushing a notification to a service that supports incoming webhooks.

In the receiving application an incoming webhook will result an action being taken.

The Webhook can be used to initiate an instant workflow process by use of Workflow Automation tools such as Zapier, Power Automate, IFTTT etc.

This means that TARGIT can support different workflows in your organization - the limit here is actually your own imagination.


How to?

The work inside TARGIT to make this work is quite limited. When you set up a notification, you now have a new option in the last tab - instead of Email you can choose Webhook, and then you are prompted for a Webhook endpoint.



Before you can fill in the webhook endpoint however, you need to pick that up from the "receiving" application.


Principles behind web services

Automation tools that support web hooks are based on the same principles.

You create a job that consist of a trigger and an action.

TARGIT can communicate with these services through one of the trigger types that they support: webhooks.

The action part of the job can consist of one of more tasks that are triggered by an incoming web hook.

From a TARGIT perspective, examples of actions could be:

  • Communicating with the users where they are - so generating a chat message in teams, slack, yammer or similar communication platforms in stead of the e-mail which used to be the only endpoint for a TARGIT notification
  • Creating tasks in the preferred project tool based on notifications - (tools like trello, Jira or monday) could be examples of this
  • Adding data to excel sheets, database tables based on the incoming webhook which can hold information on incidents, campaign results etc.

Zapier example (zapier.com) - Create a message for selected teams chat

In Zapier you create a so-called "Zap".  A Zap consists of a trigger and an action. TARGIT is able to communicate with Zapier through one kind of trigger that is supported in Zapier (webhook).

I'm logging into my zapier account (there are multiple levels of pricing in Zapier with different functionality - this will not be covered here.

Now I choose to make a zap - the actual user interface may change over time - but currently that button looks like this:



Now I'm making my first Zap and the trigger is the first thing that needs to be resolved. 

I'm searching out webhooks and picking Webhooks by Zapier as my preferred trigger



Now I have to choose a Trigger event - there are a few different options - but in my case I choose Catch Hook and click Continue





This gives me the acutal URL that I need for my TARGIT Notification - so I can now copy it and paste it into the Webhook Endpoint of my TARGIT Notification



But still my "Zap" doesn't do anything - so I click + to add an action to my "Zap".

I'll search out Teams and pick Microsoft Teams for my Action:



From the options provided we pick Send Chat Message



And then we are ready too set up which account should be used to send the message:



And finally what the message should be - notice, here you can choose to include some of the content of the original TARGIT Notification(name, company, value in this case)


Now you just need to save your work in Zapier and test it by sending a notification from TARGIT.


Note: The above is not meant to be a thorough documentation of using automation tools. For further information on how to use Zapier, Power Automate or other automation tools - please refer to the documentation provided in these tools.

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