When working with TARGIT InMemory data warehouses, it is common advice to have two parallel environments: A Development environment and a Production environment.
Typically, these two environments are installed on two separate servers as well. Both servers should have the same rights with regard to accessing source systems such as CRM systems, SQL servers, folders with Excel sheets etc.
Furthermore, both environments should have the full TARGIT installation - TARGIT Server, ETL tool, Scheduler Tool, Query tool - running identical version numbers, of course.
Deployment profiles
In the ETL tool, you can configure multiple Deployment profiles. The idea is to create a profile that points to the publication folder on the Development server, and another profile that points to the publication folder on the Production server.
Typically, you would set this up directly on the Development server, and you would start by creating a new profile called e.g., 'Development'.
Select the new profile and go to Settings to configure the deployment folder for this profile. If you are working directly on the Development server, 'localhost:9098' will work perfectly as the server name. The predefined 'Public' folder should work fine.
Likewise, create and select another profile called e.g., 'Production', and in Settings, this should point to the Public directory on your Production server (in this example 'solutions.targit.com'):
Now, when you run and deploy your ETL project, you can keep deploying it to the Development server - and once you are happy with the results on the Development server, you can switch deployment destination to the Production server.
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