Prioritized Scheduled Jobs

[Cloud release: 2023.12.12]
[On-prem release: 2024 February]
[On-prem build: 24.02.13001]

Prioritized scheduled jobs

The ability to prioritize scheduled jobs is relevant when you have huge amounts of scheduled jobs, and when many of these jobs are scheduled to run at the exact same time.

The default priority for scheduled jobs is 'Medium'. Only if you have jobs scheduled to run at the same time, you should consider if any of these jobs should be prioritized before the other jobs.

Set a job's priority to Critical or High to improve the chance that the output from this job is delivered on time, every time.

Set the job's priority to Low if the timing of the output is less important. The output will be produced at some point, but potentially at a later point than the scheduled time. How late, depends on the number of other, equally or higher prioritized scheduled jobs that are set to run at the same time.

Timeout for scheduled jobs

Furthermore, in the Schedule tab, you now have a Timeout option for your scheduled jobs. If the job hasn't completed within the specified time, the job will forcefully fail. This may help to prevent hanging jobs from blocking execution of other jobs. Specify 0 minutes to disable timeout.

The scheduled Jobs list

In the Scheduled Jobs list, you can see the job priority in the Priority column:

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