Pin calculation to top of crosstab

[Cloud release: 2023.12.19]
[On-prem release: 2024 February]
[On-prem build: 24.02.13001]

Use the 'Pin to top' option to ensure that any row-based calculation will stay at the top, as the first row,  of a crosstab. 

Use this option rather than dragging the calculated row to the top of the crosstab. When dragging a calculated row to another position, it will be positioned relatively to the dimension member in the row below. If this dimension member moves or is removed, the calculated row will no longer be at the top of the crosstab.

E.g., even if you now sort your data, the calculated row will remain at the top of the crosstab:

Note: 'Pin to top' can also be used for calculated columns. 'Pin to top' will then mean 'Pin as first column'.



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  • Hi Ole,

    Just checking while we wait for the OnPrem release ... can you pin multiple calculations?
    (e.g. Total, Min, Max, Average and Count for simple data profiling)

  • Hi Søren,

    Yes - you can pin as many calculations as you like.

    The sequence of pinned calculations will be the same sequence as in the Calculations Smartpad.

    BR / Ole


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