Colors - overview

Many features of a TARGIT dashboard or a TARGIT report include options to customize colors of various elements. A few examples of what may be colored in the TARGIT client:

  • Individual measures in charts.
  • Individual dimension members in charts.
  • Text, values and backgrounds in crosstabs.
  • Backgrounds for canvas, text boxes, shapes, menu items, charts etc.

The general color dialog looks like this:

Measure and dimension member colors

In a chart, you can use the 'Edit element colors' option to make changes to measures and/or dimension members in the chart.

You will then get two options to change the color, either 'Object' or 'Shared':

Click 'Assign color' or one of the already selected colors to change the color.

Caution: As a Designer user you can change the 'Shared' color. The effect of changing the Shared color, is that everywhere where the selected measure or dimension is used, it will be changed to the new Shared color. I.e., the color of the selected measure or dimension member will change in all dashboards and reports, where it has been used.

Changing the 'Object' color will change the color within the current chart only.

Named colors

'Named colors' is an opportunity to apply and reuse colors by a name. The advantage of this, is to ensure color consistency among your dashboards and report, and to have a single point of administration if you at some point would like to change the color of one of your named colors. Read more about Named colors here Named Colors


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