[Cloud release: n/a]
[On-prem release: 2025 January]
[On-prem build: 25.01.21002]
If required - e.g., due to security policies - an Anywhere client session can be forced to time out if left idle for a specified number of minutes.
The "IdleTimeout" value can be changed in the targitsettings.json file, located where the TARGIT Server is installed, in the C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Anywhere folder. Setting the value to e.g., "IdleTimeout" : 50, means that an idle Anywhere session will time out after 50 minutes.
"TargitSettings": {
"Server": "localhost",
"UseCdn": false,
"UseRSAPassword": false,
"ApplicationLifespanInHours": -1,
"MemoryCapInPercent": 10
"SessionSettings": {
"IdleTimeout": 50
Idle Timeout is not enforced when the Anywhere client is running a Slideshow.
Setting the value to "0", means that timeout is not enforced by TARGIT.
If the "IdleTimeout" has been set to a value different than "0", and the Anywhere session is left idle for as many minutes, the end-user will receive a warning that their session is about to time out. The end-user may click OK to stay connected, otherwise the dialog will close and the session will time out after a few seconds.
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