Dimension attributes and hierarchies

One dimension can be structured from attributes or hierarchies or very often both of these.

The TARGIT client uses the following symbols for each sub element of a dimension:

mceclip0.png   This symbol indicates that the dimension contains multiple categorization options, and often you will need to expand the dimension to see and use the available options.

mceclip1.png   This symbol indicates an attribute. An attribute is often just a simple list of dimension members, e.g. Salespersons names.

mceclip2.png   This is the symbol for a hierarchy. A hierarchy is a collection of related attributes that has been structured into a multi-level hierarchy. Each level will typically contain data on a more detailed or more granular level than the preceding level.

In the screenshot below, we have taken a closer look at the Customer dimension. The Customer dimension has been expanded to reveal that it contains a two level hierarchy
(mceclip4.pngProduct Group and mceclip5.pngmceclip6.pngProduct) and a single attribute (mceclip1.png Product.)



In the next screenshot, the first crosstab uses the Customer Country hierarchy down to the second level to show Revenue per Territories and Countries. The second crosstab uses the Country attribute to produce a list of countries with their revenues.


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