Adding single files


The “Add file” option is the option we would like to exploit as part of this end-user training. This is where you can easily add ad-hoc data – typically single Excel files or single CSV files – and instantly use the TARGIT client to analyze data from those files.

The “Data Discovery” option is for more advanced use – including combining data from multiple sources. E.g. combining Excel data with data from a relational database.

In the following, in the demo description as well as in the exercises for this lesson, we will be using a couple of Sample Excel files. These file scan be downloaded from the TARGIT Portal,, in this section:

  • Download Center / Other Downloads / TARGIT University.
  • The zipped file is called “Data Discovery source data files”.


If we have a look at the DSDemoSheet.xlsx file, we will see a typical extract from a database in a format that adheres to the required format for Data Discovery. This file contains approximately 4200 rows across 30 columns.

  • Rows: Each row represent a single transaction.
  • Columns: The columns represent the information that has been logged for each transaction. Data Discovery will read the content and data types of these columns to automatically detect if they are to be used as measures and/or dimensions.

Notice the Date columns: Posting date, Document date and Shipment date columns. They all contain a full date, and the Cell data type has also been set to “Date”. This will ensure that Data Discovery reads dates correctly and furthermore create correct Time hierarchies from these.


To analyze the data of this file, we should first add it to DataService:


(Note: If the TARGIT Xbone component had been installed, this would be a second option to which source data files could be added.)

Depending on the size of the file, it may take a little while for it to become visible as a Data Source in the TARGIT Client. You do not need to log off to see it, as it will automatically appear in your Source data overview tab. Sometimes, however, you may need to right click one of the existing cubes to refresh the cube list.


Once it is available, it will appear as a new cube in the DataService connection.


Now, the data can be used to create an analysis like this:


Notice that dimensions and measures have been arranged into various Display folders.

Often, you will just be using the Dimension folder named identical to the source file and the measures in the sum measure folder.

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