In some cases, the Attribute Relations may be quite useful to see for the End User. They can as an example be used to give “bonus” info on a certain Dimension.
We build a Customer Info dimension which is meant to hold a lot of information on a given customer – such as Phone Number, Address, E-mail etc.
Creating the dimension using the Dimension Wizard we set Name column to Customer Name
We pick a number of attributes and name the Dimension Customer Info:
We set the Property Attributehierarchyvisible to False for all the Non-key attributes.
In the list of Attribute Relations all these Attributes are still listed.
Once we have added the Dimension to the Cube and deployed/processed, the End User will see the following display in the Source Data tab of the TARGIT Client.
And a crosstab like the one below can be defined.
Member property / Attribute relationship for other attribute
In case you need to display an attribute relationship for an attribute that is not the key attribute, you may need to define these relationships yourself.
In this example, my Customer dimension is still based upon the 'No' key attribute:
However, I would like 'E-Mail', 'Home Page' and 'Phone No' to become attribute relations to my Name attribute. The end result in SSAS might look like this:
E.g., the 'Home Page' attribute relation has been set up like this:
In the TARGIT Client, this may end up something like this:
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