The tiLoad command send commands to the tiServer database engine related to load, refreshing or
unloading a database from memory.
The command must have database name and password specified as described in the syntax.
- host= Name of server with the TARGIT InMemory Database Engine running (optional, default is localhost)
- database= Name of the database (required)
- pwd= Password for the TARGIT InMemory instance (required)
- /unload Unloads the database specified from memory
- /reload Loads a new instance of the database from the InMemory data store and hot swaps to the new version
tiLoad host=servername;database=databasename;pwd=database_engine_password [/reload|/unload]
tiLoad database=mydatabase;pwd=dbpass123 /reload
tiLoad database=mydatabase;pwd=dbpass123 /unload
Note: Syntax above works when running the commands in a command prompt in the folder containing the tiload.exe.
In InMemory ETL project
If you need to run these commands from an InMemory ETL project, you can do this with a Script task with this syntax:
Example with database name 'LoadMasterCube':
CMDEXEC '"InMemoryDB\Core\tiLoad.exe"' ' host=localhost;database="LoadMasterCube";pwd=Pa$$W0rd /reload'
Example with variable database name:
CMDEXEC '"InMemoryDB\Core\tiLoad.exe"' ' host=localhost;database=' + @TargitdbName + ';pwd=Pa$$W0rd /reload'
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