[On-prem release: 2019 Update 3]
[On-prem build: 16930]
Publish and update your Dashboards and Slideshows as browser accessible HTML pages.
With Scheduled Publishing you can render Dashboards, Slideshows and Reports in "offline" mode. (Reports are rendered as PDF documents.)
End-users do not need a TARGIT client to view Dashboards and Reports
All they need is a browser and the right URL. Even though these Dashboards are non-interactive (no filters, no drills, no triggers), end-users will be able to scroll large crosstabs.
Note: End-users are not authenticated when browsing the HTML output. I.e. everyone with access to the URL will see the same content.
Slideshows no longer need a TARGIT client to run on monitors
The monitor simply needs a browser with the right URL to run the Slideshow.
When the HTML output is updated (e.g. every 10 minutes), the browser based Dashboards and Slideshows will automatically update as well.
Scheduled Publishing uses links for publishing the output. Technically, the output is placed on the TARGIT Server, and the URL link points to this location.
When you administrate a Scheduled Publishing job, you can change the source document (e.g. replace a slideshow for a different slideshow) without changing the link. In this way, from your central list of scheduled jobs, you can manage what is being displayed on e.g. 15 wide-spread monitors around your organization.
You can even have multiple scheduled jobs publishing to the same link. E.g. one job publishes and updates a Slideshow every 10 minutes from 8:00 to 16:50. Another job publishes a dashboard to the same link at 17:00.
Note: If your Anywhere server is accessible from the internet - this content will also be accessible for anyone with the correct URL
Scheduled Publishing only adds workload on the TARGIT server and the Data Warehouse when the output is published and updated. Most of the end-users' workload is handled by the browser, which furthermore is often heavily cached. This behavior has a positive effect on the robustness on published content:
- If the IIS (with the Anywhere component) stops, the published content will still be available, but will not be updated.
- If the TARGIT server stops, the published content will still be available, but will not be updated.
- If the Scheduled Publishing job is disabled, the published content will still be available, but will not be updated.
- Only if scheduled job is deleted, the server will remove the link and the published content will no longer be available.
Setting up a Scheduled job for a Published link, (and first-time configuration of the Anywhere URL in TARGIT Management Studio):
- Original URL:
- http://MyCompany.targit.cloud/Published/E72F188037ED4F3FBF35BCE61EC01110
- URL in cloud environment:
- http://MyCompany.targit.cloud/server/Published/E72F188037ED4F3FBF35BCE61EC01110
Changing the source document for a Scheduled Publishing link:
Scheduled Publishing of Slideshow with custom link:
Easy Central Management of Scheduled Publishing jobs:
Two or more scheduled jobs publishing to the same link:
What happens if you change a publishing link? (Or the scheduled job is deleted, or the scheduled job hasn't run yet):
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