Salesforce embedding app

[Version: 2022 - Spring]
[Build: 22.02.25005] 

TARGIT is available from the Salesforce Appexchange and it will install a Lightning component that makes it very easy to add an embedded TARGIT client within Salesforce.

Salesforce Appexchange:


As a Salesforce administrator you will be able to edit or design your pages - e.g., Account pages, Product pages etc. - to add the TARGIT component to it:


Once added to your page (drag and drop), you can start configuring the component's settings. The TARGIT Anywhere URL is the URL created via the Generic Embedding options in the Windows Client. In this example, it takes one argument, var1, which is then matched against Account Name on the Salesforce page. So, the dimension behind arg1 should be a dimension with members or values similar to Account Name.



Read more about Generic Embedding here:



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