This is an example of reading through a list of csv and excel files and appending them to an inmemory table.
The project can be used as inspiration and starting point if you need to read through a list of csv files (or excel files) and consolidate these in a table.
declare @countasint
declare @filename asstring
/* Get handle to list files in folder */
DATASOURCE filelistconn=DOTNET CONNECTION 'TARGIT.FileList.FileListConnection'''
/* List all files in the csvs folder */
IMPORT csvfiles=filelistconn.{select*from[d:\transactions\csvs]where directory='current'}
/* Declare connection to CSV file so we can load CSVs */
while csvfiles.eof=false /* Loop over all CSV files */
SET @filename=csvfiles.fullpath
print'Loading the file '+@filename
/* Import the CSV file into the table csvFolder */
IMPORT csvFolder = csvLocalFile.{select*from[@@filename]} /* Import each file into the table csvFolder */
movenext csvfiles
IMPORT excelfiles=filelistconn.{select*from[d:\transactions\excel]where directory='current'}
while excelfiles.eof=false /* Loop over all CSV files */
SET @filename=excelfiles.fullpath
print'Loading the file '+@filename
DATASOURCE excelfile = DOTNET CONNECTION 'TARGIT.ADONET.Excel.ExcelConnection''datasource='+@filename+';'
IMPORT excelFolder = excelfile.{select*from[Sheet1]} /* Import each file into the table excelFolder */
CLOSE excelfile
movenext excelfiles
Download project: CSV and Excel import loop.improj
Note: The project cannot be executed out-of-the-box, since it comes without connection managers - but is meant for inspiration only.
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