Offline demo data

[On-prem release: 2022 Spring]
[On-prem build: 22.02.25005]

In case you cannot work with the standard Online demo data - either due to being offline, or due to complications with opening the required ports - we hereby offer an offline version of the same demo data.

Due to the nature of being offline, you cannot expect these data to be "up to date" like the online version. However, if necessary, you may revisit this article to check for any new/updated offline demo data. The expectation is to update these data at least once a year, with new data available around year end.


You TARGIT solution must support (must have license for) the TARGIT InMemory module. If you have downloaded and installed a 30 days trial version of the TARGIT Decision Suite, the TARGIT InMemory will be included in these 30 days.

The zip archives

The zip archive,, attached to this article, contains all the necessary files required to establish the Offline demo data environment:

  • Database. The InMemory database containing all necessary demo data.
  • Datamodel. The Datamodel that sets up the correct definitions with regard to cubes, dimensions,  measures etc.
  • Documents. All the sample documents (dashboards and reports) that comes with the demo data.

How to install the Offline demo data

There will be a few manual steps in getting Offline demo data to work on your own TARGIT installation.

  1. Disable the original Online demo data:
    1. Open the TARGIT Management client and go to 'Setup' / 'Cloud Functions'
    2. Remove the checkmark from 'TARGIT Online Demo Data'
    3. On the TARGIT Server, go to C:\ProgramData\TARGIT\ANTServer\Settings\Connections and open the connections.xml file
    4. Rename the connection name "TARGIT Online Demodata" to e.g., "TARGIT Online Demodata Org".
  2. Restore the InMemory database:
    1. From the zip archive's Database folder, copy the Demodata.targitdb file
    2. Paste it into the C:\ProgramData\TARGIT\TARGIT InMemoryDB\Data folder
  3. Restore sample dashboards and reports:
    1. From the zip archive's Documents folder, copy all files and subfolders
    2. Paste into the C:\ProgramData\TARGIT\ANTServer\VFS\Global\DemoData folder (if \Global\DemoData does not exist, you may need to create these folders first)
  4. Create connection:
    1. Open the TARGIT Management client and go to 'Connections'
    2. Right click to add a new connection: Relational database, TARGIT InMemory database
    3. Name the connection exactly like this: TARGIT Online Demodata
    4. Enter servername, username (default) and password (Pa$$W0rd) and look up the DemoData database
  5. Import Data Model:
    1. Right click the new connection to open the Data Model Editor
    2. In the Data Model Editor, use the 'Import' button to import the Datamodel.xml file from the zip archive

With these steps, you should now be able to open your TARGIT Designer client and start working with the Sales cube, Finance cube etc. from the TARGIT Online Demodata connection. Also, from the Shared folder, you should able to open any of the sample dashboards and reports.

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  • Hi Ole,

    thanks for your post. Anyway, in my mind, this is not the perfect solution. Sorry!

    Best regards


  • Hi Ole,

    Thanks for your post. We don't have InMemory on our servers - I think we have to download a 30 days trial version for the purpose.

    BR / Jette

  • Hej Ole Dyring

    Could we get a new file with data until 2023?

    That's better for trainings and demo analysis with dynamic time dimensions.

    Thank you very much!

  • Hallo Marlene,

    I have updated the zip file with new data.

    BR / Ole

  • Hello Ole,

    thanks for the update. Is it possible to obtain up-to-date data for the Finance and Production departments as well? These data still seems to end in 2020 and 2021.

    Thank you very much!




  • Hi TARGIT account,

    could you please provide the new Offline Demo Data zip including 2024? We need this for coming trainings next week.

    Thank you very much

  • Hi Marlene,

    The zip file has been updated. It now contains demo data January 2021 to December 2024.

    It is only the data that has changed. So if you already followed the other steps for installing the offline demodata (which you probably did last year), you only need to extract and replace/overwrite the DemoData.targitdb file.

    BR / Ole

  • Hi Ole Dyring could you please update the zip file again? Thank you very much.

  • Hi Marlene,

    The zip file has been updated. It now contains demo data January 2022 to December 2025.

    Again, it is only the data that has changed. You probably only need to extract and replace/overwrite the DemoData.targitdb file.

    BR / Ole

  • Thank you very much.

    btw: it's necessary to restart the tiServer service


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