Dan Lykholt
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Latest activity by Dan Lykholt-
Dan Lykholt created a post, Calculation - percentage per line
Hello everyone, Trying to get Targit to show percentage per line of the Total. Example below: The "Total" 1705 Tryktræ should be = 100%. Then "Grundsortiment" should be (1.679.846 / 2.079.544) = 80...
Dan Lykholt commented, Would any body know, why I don't have access to the "Data Discovery button " in my menu?body know why I don't have access to the "Data Discovery buttom " in my menu?
Dan Lykholt commented, Hi Louise, Thank you for the input. I have tried the solution and hope for other suggestions, specially because I have to update every week (because my data is shown per week). It seems more people...
Dan Lykholt created a post, Reorder data sequence in columns
Hi all, Below shown the normal sequence of displaying data in Targit with data for several years (see the yellow bar). This sequence is: Revenue 2017, Sales 2017, Revenue 2018, Sales 2018....... I ...