[Cloud release: 2024.01.09]
[On-prem release: 2024 February]
[On-prem build: 24.02.13001]
As a Designer user, you can easily copy a link to the current document to send to another Designer user using the Windows client or to a Consumer user using the Anywhere client.
The copied link can be pasted directly into mails, Teams messages (only Anywhere links since Teams does not support custom protocols), Excel sheets or anywhere else you would like other people to click it to access the document via a TARGIT client.
Use cases:
- Designer users seeking assistance from other Designer users to complete a dashboard.
- Designer users requesting end-users to confirm changes to a report under development.
- Providing Anywhere users with a quick way of sharing a TARGIT document with other Anywhere users.
From the Files menu, click the 'Share' button and select the URL you want to copy:
Note: Since the Windows link is starting with "targithttps://..." it may not be recognized as a workable URL. To open the link, you may need to copy the link to the Windows System's "Run" command or into the address bar of a browser.
The Anywhere user should click the 'Share' button in the top ribbon:
- The document must be saved before it can be shared in this way.
- The 'Public URLs' in TARGIT Management must be fully defined. (See TARGIT Management - public URLs)
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