Dimensions with multiple hierarchies

[Cloud release: 2024.05.29]
[On-prem release: 2024 June]
[On-prem build: 24.06.19002]

From this version, the Data Model Editor supports multiple hierarchies within one dimension.

In this example, you will see how to design a dimension with two hierarchies. The basis is a typical period dimension table:

  1. In the Dimensions folder, add the top most level of the first hierarchy.
  2. Use the Name property to rename the dimension, the hierarchy and the attribute:
  3. Add the next levels to the hierarchy:
  4. Additional hierarchies are added to the same dimension in a similar manner by dragging table fields to the Dimension level ('Time' in this screenshot):
  5. You can also add single attributes (single-level hierarchies) to the dimension:
  6. The individual hierarchies can be assigned to a Display folder:

    You may also assign new dimensions to display folders by dragging directly from the field in the table to Display folders.

In the TARGIT Designer client, dimensions with multiple hierarchies, attributes and display folders may look like this:

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  • Hi,

    This update caused some major issues.
    1st - Editing a large number of dimensions has become inefficient.
    2nd - When I need to add a lot of dimensions to a folder in a big project, renaming them is at least 4x slower because I have to keep going back to the folder to find the dimension in the dimensions folder (since it's not organized by folders).
    3rd - My project is relatively large, and even with a very good server, editing the data model has slowed down (keeps freezing).
    4th - Adding or removing dimensions in cubes can’t be done through the Display Folder, only through the Dimensions folder, which again, is inefficient.

    And much more....

    I believe the developer of this solution doesn’t work with large data models often.

    My suggestion is to have a single place where I can group dimensions but still be able to edit them through Display Folders.

    Unfortunately, this is one of those updates that won’t be rolled back, and it significantly impacts the software’s quality.


    Best regards,
    Tiago Felsky

  • Hi Tiago,

    Thanks for your honest feedback. I will make sure to bring your input to the attention of the developers.

    BR / Ole


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