Troubleshooting Remote Desktop connection to TARGIT training machines

If you have signed up for a TARGIT University course, you may also have received a mail with instructions on how to connect to a virtual machine preinstalled with TARGIT software and TARGIT training data.

The mail may have contained login info something like this:

To get access to the virtual machine, please follow these steps:
  • Start the 'Remote Desktop Application' from your PC. (Windows Search, search for 'mstsc'.)
  • Connect to Computer:
  • Username: TUadm (you may need to go through 'More choices' and 'Use a different account' to change the username)
  • Password: [password]

Occasionally you may experience problems getting the Remote Desktop application to access these machines. You may get an error like this:

This problem is often caused by network security measures that prevents communication through the required port.

Usually, this can be resolved in one of two ways. Try solution 1 before potentially moving on to solution 2.

  • Solution 1: Try changing your PC's network from the normal network to e.g., a 'Guest' network. Or try connecting from your home network. In both cases, the networks will usually be less restricted than your workplace's network.
  • Alternative Solution 2: Ask you IT department to open port 51xx, at least temporarily until the training is completed. I.e., if your login info mail specified e.g., port 5108, you should ask IT to open port 5108.
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