Reports and Scheduled Jobs

From TARGIT 2019

All the documents you create and save – whether that is a dashboard or a report – can be opened by an end-user with a TARGIT client. In this way, the end-user can work interactively with the opened document.

However, sometimes you just need to be able to send the information to the end-users. Reasons could be that the end-users prefer it in this way or that the end-users don’t have access to TARGIT. Furthermore, it could be a kind of formal information that is required to be distributed on a regular basis.

For that purpose, TARGIT can work with Scheduled jobs to automate this type of information distribution.

To set up a scheduled job for a document, first you will need to save it as a document. If the document is saved and open, you can go to the File menu to Add Scheduled job.


One of the central tabs of a Scheduled job is the Schedule tab. Here, you can set up when and how often a document should be distributed.


  • By time (cube process optional). This is the default setting by which you simply specify when and how often you want this job to run.
  • On cube process. Choosing this option, you will also need to select at least one cube that needs to be processed before the job will run. Click the text line “(no cubes selected)” to select one or more cubes. The job will run every time the cube is processed.
  • Combination. You can also select the “By time” option and the “Only run when All of selected cubes have been processed”. In this way, you can prevent a scheduled job from sending out a report if the cube hasn’t been processed (i.e. data hasn’t been updated) since last time the scheduled job was run.

The Format tab lets you decide the format of the scheduled job’s output. For report layouts it will typically be a PDF format, while for Dashboard layouts it will be a graphics format (like a screenshot). Notice the “Use variables” option that will add variables such as dates and timestamps to your file names.


Notice:  From the 2022 Spring version, the Use variables option has been moved to the Source tab and renamed to Use parameters. See  an example in this article: Assign multiple documents to one scheduled job

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