In addition to designing individual dashboards in different layouts, you can also control settings for how these layout should work on different devices.
With the Device Visibility dialog, you can, with the Enabled option, control whether a Layout should be accessible at all for a specific device.
Furthermore, you can, with the Designed for option, control if a Layout should become the preferred layout for a specific device type.
TARGIT will use a set of rules to detect which Layout it should open by default on a specific device type:
- TARGIT will open the first Layout (reading from top of list) that is Enabled, Designed for and matches the Orientation of the current device.
- If rule 1 fails, TARGIT will open the first Layout (reading from top of list) that is Enabled and matches the Orientation of the current device.
- If rule 1 and 2 fails, TARGIT will open the first Layout (reading from top of list) that is Enabled for the current device.
As an example, let’s look at these Layouts and Device Visibility options:
- A Desktop client will by default open the first Layout (Desktop) – since this is the first layout that is enabled for Desktop, and no other Layouts have been specifically designed for Desktops and orientation is irrelevant to Desktops.
- A Phone client in portrait orientation will by default open the second layout (Phone Portrait) – since this is the first layout that has been enabled for Phones and specifically designed for Phones and matches the portrait mode.
- If you turn your Phone to landscape orientation, it will open the third layout (Phone Landscape) – since this is the first layout that has been enabled for Phones and specifically designed for Phones and matches landscape mode.
- A Tablet client in portrait orientation will by default open the second layout (Phone Portrait) – since this is the first layout that has been enabled for Tablets and matches the portrait mode.
- If you turn your Tablet to landscape orientation, it will open the first layout (Desktop) – since this is the first layout that has been enabled for Tablets and matches landscape mode.
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