Move Data Discovery setup from test server to production server

Move Data Discovery setup from test server to production server

To copy data sources and cubes from one server (source) and OVERWRITE EVERYTHING on another server (target), it can be done like this:

  1. Stop TARGIT Data Service service in Services on target server.
  2. Backup everything in installation folder on target server, typical: C:\Program Files\TARGIT\TARGIT Data Service
  3. Copy the following data from source server to target server:

    C:\Program Files\TARGIT\TARGIT Data Service\ConfigurationDB.db
    C:\Program Files\TARGIT\TARGIT Data Service\Files\*.*

  4. Restart TARGIT Data Service service in Services on target server.

The target server now runs with new setup and configuration.


Note that it is not possible to copy some data souces and cubes. It is everything that is copied, and what is in target server is lost. 

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1 comment
  • Sounds ok, Niels.

    Anyway, in times of devops, I would prefer to have a more sophisticated function to be able to deploy a solution fron test to prod.


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