Data Service as IIS Application pool

[Version: 2022 - Spring]
[Build: 22.02.25005] 

From TARGIT 2022 the service running TARGIT Data Discovery is no longer a standard Service. It has now become an Application pool in the Internet Information Server (IIS).


  • To "restart" TARGIT Data Service, Stop the application pool.
    In task manager verify that the process w3wp.exe is not running (if it is still running - kill the process)

  • In the same dialogue, now pick Start to start the application pool

  • To change the account running this application pool, go to Advanced Settings and look for Process Model, Identity.


Note: If running Data Discovery with a service account that has specific access to files and folders, please note that with 2022 Spring, Data Discovery runs under the IIS, hence the application pool running it, must run with the same service account to be able to access the same files and folders.

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