General chart properties

The Column chart, Bar chart, Line chart and Area chart are very closely related and have essentially identical formatting options. On the following pages, you will see an example based on a Column chart.

Right click on a chart to select Chart properties – or select it from the Properties Smartpad.


If you select this option, you will open an object type specific formatting dialogue box. Although options may differ slightly from one object type to another, the most common ones are: Chart, Labels, Dimension axis, Measure axis and Colors.

Rather than going through every single chart property, let us have a closer look at this example:


The column chart above has been formatted with these chart property settings (only where settings have been changed from default):

  • From the Chart tab:
    • The Title field has been used to produce the title on top of the chart.
    • The Profit Margin series has been moved to the Right axis and has taken a Spline visualization.
  • From the Labels tab:
    • Revenue and Profit labels are showing Measure value and have Placement Inside.
    • Mouse over for Revenue has been set to Member: Percent (column).
    • Furthermore, labels have been formatted with regard to Number format, Font size and Font color.
  • From the Measure axes tab:
    • The Right axis Maximum has been set to 100, with an Interval of 10.
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