Basic Templates

When you create a new document in TARGIT you do this on a blank page, a canvas, of a certain size.

This page size would typically be measured in pixels and conform to a 4:3, 16:9 or 16:10 etc. format.

Initially, when you create a new document you may only have a couple of pre-defined templates: “Blank dashboard” and “Blank report”. In this manual we will focus on Dashboard documents only, but we will create a few extra templates, in different sizes, ready for use when we create new documents.

Start out by creating a new document with the built-in Blank dashboard template:


The new blank dashboard will normally have a page setting at 1600 x 900 pixels, but you can select one of the other pre-defined sizes or even create your own, custom size:


Now, save this new page size as a template in a folder you created for the specific purpose of storing templates:


Go back the Start tab, on the Open tab, to right click the newly created templates folder to “Add folder to templates”.


From now on, when you create new documents, the templates that you save in this folder will be available from the Start / New tab.


A template may contain as many objects as you like - even data objects.

In this video tutorial you will see how to create a very basic template - just with a specific page size - and how to save and use it.

For templates to be available, they must be saved in a folder that has been designated as a Templates folder.

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