Templates with Placeholders

Placeholder object is an object you can add to a document with the purpose of later replacing it with another object – e.g. a chart or a crosstab.

In this way, a Placeholder object works very well with templates.

You can designate an area in your report that should later be replaced by a chart, a crosstab or any other type of object.


The Placeholder object is very useful in combination with templates. With the Placeholder object you can allocate an area on your canvas that should later be replaced by a “real” object, e.g., a Crosstab, a Bar chart, a KPI object etc.


The Placeholder can be placed and resized like any other object. If necessary, you can use the X, Y, Width and Height boxes in the lower right corner to be even more precise about size and placement.


The Placeholder objects will go into your Object list. It is recommended to rename the objects in the object list – especially if you end up with many and overlapping objects on your canvas.


Then, with placeholders, you can create a template where you can ensure consistent placement and sizes of your objects.


When using the template, select a placeholder to replace it with a “real” object.


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