Next expected release for Cloud: 18th of September 2024
Notes regarding the 2023 - August release:
Detailed descriptions of latest features here: Changelog 2023 August
Deprecations for this release is listed on the deprecation page in the community. Please pay special attention to the deprecation of old documents, as has been communicated across the last releases.
New Mobile Apps
Because of underlying changes in Anywhere and the way communication is done with the apps, we have decided to release a new app with updated graphics. The older apps cannot connect to the TARGIT Decision Suite 2023 - August and future versions. To find the new app, search for 'TARGIT Mobile 2023 in Apple App Store or Google Play.
Changes to Excel export
In previous versions, exporting to Excel would export the objects from the layouts that have been opened in the document. This behavior has been changed for Anywhere, such that only objects in the currently selected layout are exported.
Changes to Existing InMemory Scripts and Data Discovery
Scheduler service is now moved to the new .NET 7 framework, that means that any existing script needs to be verified and adjusted to a version of a driver that is compatible with .NET 7. The data sources that might be affected after upgrade: IBM DB2, Oracle, PostgreSQL, MySQL. For Data Discovery the move to the .NET 7 Framework means that the connection properties of the DB2 driver must be changed to point to a new .NET 7 compatible .dll.
Next expected release for Cloud: 18th September 2024
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