Maybe there are a few small details that get's in your way once in a while in the TARGIT client - here are 3 of those, and how you can fix them once and for all by changing your personal settings:
No 1: Limit to criteria list.
On this drop-down list from the criteria bar, you only see the first 50 members by standard, and then you have to click to see the rest.
This can be changed by adjusting personal settings - see fix in the end of this article
No 2: Over crowded source tab
There's a little too much information here - look at what can be done in the end of this article.
No 3: Hierarchies takes up too much space
There is acutally a property called compact hierarchies - but why not fixe it once and for all.
Fixes for all 3 problems
Go to the upper right corner of your TARGIT client and click on the gearwheel
No 1 fix - pick the Criteria tab and change the Member list threshold
No 2 fix - pick the appearance tab and tick Small Smart pad tabs:
Now the tabs with Source Data, Properties, Calculations etc. have turned into small icons instead releasing some space
No 3 fix - pick the appearance tab and tick Compact Hierarchies
Now your account hierarchy is much more compact:
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