Filter Delegate Advanced - Filter across different data sources

If you're not familiar with the basics of filter delegate, please refer to this article before continuing reading.

Filter Delegate alone is a strong feature - but combined with Mash-up dimensions it becomes truly powerfull.

Here's a scenario with 3 different independent data sources on citizen data.

One database has a nice segmentation on agegroups and marital status of the citizens.

Another database holds information on citizens in debt problems with the city.

Third database has information on citizens in trouble with the legal system.


The mashup dimension can link these databases together - provided they have a common denominator.

This article explains about how to setup mashup dimensions - so in this context we will just note that a mashup dimension called "Mashup Sample" has been created prehand and is available to use.


The mashup dimension alone, only offers filtering done by the common denominator (in this case a social security ID).

That's not very flexible - it would be great if you could filter by different dimensions and delegate the social security ID's found to the mash-up dimenision, and in that way filter across different data sources.

That's exactly what you can do.

In this analysis we have data from 3 independent data sources, and we have setup a filter delegate on the tables on the left-hand side to be able to examine certain population groups for (in this case) debt problems and legal problems.


The filter delegate that has been setup on the left-hand side tables looks a little different:


As you can see the Filter is delegated to the Mashup sample dimension and that actually delegates the filter across to the other data sources that are linked with the mashup dimension.


So - Filter Delegate and Mashup dimensions offer a prette strong combination.

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