Criteria overrides

When working with a TARGIT dashboard or a TARGIT report, you can work with criteria on many levels, e.g., as Global criteria, as Local criteria, as Page criteria, etc.

For a Designer user it is necessary to know how these different types of criteria affect each other and how criteria on one level potentially may override criteria on a different level.

In general, criteria on different levels will in most cases "work together". E.g., if you have a Global criteria Country=Canada, and a Local criteria Item=Jeans on a chart, you will be looking at Jeans for Canada in that chart.

The only time you need to consider what the effective criteria will be, is when you apply criteria from the same dimension using the same operator on different criteria levels. Using the example from above, with the Global criteria Country=Canada, and now a Local criteria Country=Japan. Both criteria are limiting criteria to a single country and only one of them will apply. We need to know the cardinality of these types of criteria; we need to know which type of criteria "wins"; we need to know which type of criteria overrides the other types. By the way, the local criteria, Japan, will win in this case.

Criteria cardinality

In this section, all the different types of criteria have been listed. Apart from Forced criteria, the sequence, from top to bottom, also reflects their cardinality: Any subsequent criteria type will usually override any previous criteria type.

Keep in mind that all of this is only relevant when you apply criteria from the same dimension using the same operator on the different criteria levels.

Forced criteria

Forced criteria is applied through the roles of which an end-user is a member. See Forced Criteria and Initial Criteria

Other criteria types will work in combination with the Forced criteria, but the overall effect of the Forced criteria cannot be overridden by any of the other types of criteria.

Initial criteria

An Initial criteria is applied through the roles of which an end-user is a member. See Forced Criteria and Initial Criteria

When opening a document, an Initial criteria will be applied as a Global criteria to the whole document.

Initial criteria does not override any of the other criteria types.

Global criteria

A Global criteria is something that you apply to the whole document - i.e. the whole dashboard or the whole report.

Global criteria overrides Initial criteria.

Global criteria and Batch distribution criteria: If your Global criteria equals ABC and your Batch distribution list equals BCD, the resulting output will be one file with B data and one file with C data.

Slicer criteria

Slicer criteria are applied from Slicer objects.

Slicer criteria overrides Global criteria.

Note: The members in the Slicer object will be auto-filtered by the Global criteria unless the Slicer object is set to ignore the dimension used for Global criteria. See Criteria behavior

Batch distribution criteria

Batch distribution criteria are created from the selected members in a Batch distribution list. See Batch scheduling

Batch distribution criteria overrides Slicer criteria.

Global criteria and Batch distribution criteria: If your Global criteria equals ABC and your Batch distribution list equals BCD, the resulting output will be one file with B data and one file with C data.

Intelligent distribution criteria

Intelligent distribution criteria are created from the resulting members in an Intelligent distribution table. See Scheduled jobs - Intelligent Distribution

Intelligent distribution criteria overrides Global criteria and Slicer criteria.

Working with Intelligent distribution criteria excludes working with Batch distribution criteria - and vice versa.

Page criteria

Page criteria can only be applied to pages in a TARGIT Report. Page criteria is irrelevant to TARGIT Dashboards. See Page criteria in Reports

Page criteria overrides all of above criteria.

Local criteria

Local criteria are applied to individual objects, e.g., individual crosstabs, individual charts, etc.

Local criteria overrides all of above criteria.

Drill down criteria

As an end-user, when you click a dimension member in a crosstab or a chart, you apply a Drill down criteria. This criteria is applied to all other objects in the dashboard that haven't been used for Drill down. See Drill down criteria

Drill down criteria overrides all of above criteria.

Page Iteration criteria

Page Iteration criteria can only be applied to pages in a TARGIT Report. The report (pages) will be split into sections - one section per member in the Page Iteration table. See Iteration for Report pages

Page Iteration criteria overrides all of above criteria.

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