Labels - overview

Labels are typically applied to charts of various types. Labels can be used to enhance the available data information from a chart. Label can be applied as three types of labels:

  • Legend. In a chart with multiple series of data, the legend may be necessary to map chart colors to each series.
  • Labels. Labels are often added to the individual data points in a chart to provide additional data information such as the value, the percentage distribution or other useful information.
  • Mouse over. Mouse over labels are configured i the same way as Labels. However, Mouse over labels are often configured with even more detailed information than the standard labels.


In the chart properties dialog, on the Labels tab, the Legend can be configured from the first two lines of that tab.

Often, you may want to change the Legend position. Click the default 'Right' position to change it to one of the other positions:

Labels and Mouse over

If your chart contains multiple measures, you can unclick 'Apply to all' and then select an individual measure to configure labels and mouse overs for.

The drop down list contains a number of pre-defined labels options. If you are unsure which one to use, feel free to try them one at a time and see the result in the preview chart in the dialog.

Advanced text editor

For Labels and Mouse over, you have an option to open an Advanced text editor where you can further customize your labels with fixed text as well as dynamic content.

For more info about the Advanced Text Editor: Advanced Text Editor



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