Crosstab Styling, Formatting and Themes

From pre TARGIT 2019

The crosstab can be styled and formatted through the concept of 'Themes'.

  • You can create and store several crosstab themes to be used in different contexts.
  • One theme can be assigned the 'Default' theme which will then be used every time a new crosstab is created.


Themes used as a template

A crosstab will 'remember' which theme has been imposed upon it - meaning that a change to a theme that has been used for several crosstabs, will also change the appearance of those crosstabs.

I.e. suppose that you have 100 crosstabs that have been created from a default theme where you included some of your company colors. If your company colors should change at some point, you only need to change it once in the crosstab theme to make the change appear across all 100 crosstabs.

Theme items

To format a specific item from your crosstab, you must first select (click) it in the sample crosstab:


Once you have selected an item, you can use the formatting options to change the format:


The items you can select and format are:

  • Column label 1 - these are the column headers you will always see in a crosstab.
  • Column label 2 - these are the alternating column headers, e.g. if you have multiple dimensions or multiple measures on the horizontal axis
  • Data row 1 - these are the row headers, i.e. dimension members on the vertical axis.
  • Data row 2 - these are the alternating row headers. (Notice: Even though Data row 1 and Data Row 2 appear multiple times in the sample crosstab, you only have to format one of each.)
  • Cells (1234) - for formatting cells (by rows).
  • Cells (alternating) (1234) - for formatting cells (by alternating rows).
  • Selected row 1 - for formatting rows when selected (used for drill down).
  • Selected row 2 - for formatting alternating rows when selected (used for drill down).
  • Simulation Cells (colored 1234) - for formatting simulation (what-if) cells.
  • Simulation Cells (alternating) (colored 1234) - for formatting altenating simulation (what-if) cells.
  • Text row - for formatting manually inserted text rows.

Storing a Theme

Once you have created a new theme or made changes to an existing theme, you can store your changes:


The other options in this small toolbar are:

  • Pencil: Edit your theme name
  • Trash bin: Clear active crosstab - will in effect reset it to TARGIT's default theme.
  • Copy to active crosstab: If you want to use the current formatting WITHOUT imposing it as an updateable theme.
  • Update stored theme: Will apply changes to the theme , AND to all crosstabs that are using this theme.
  • Store theme as: Your option to store this theme as a new theme.

Setting a default theme

To set a theme as a default theme, right click the theme in the Stored themes list in the panel to the right and select 'Use as default'.


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