Swap graphs with button clicks - video guide

Here is a small guide on how you can display one graph in a dashboard, and when clicking a button the graph is replaced by another graph.

The example is a line graph showing accumulated data for all locations, and when button is clicked it is replaced with a graph showing multiple lines for multiple locations.

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  • Hi Ole,

    This is an amazing Workaround ;-) 

    It would be pretty nice if a button-frame-function and a trigger-function to make an object invisible replace this.

  • Hey Ole,

    A while ago I posted about this on the communities and you responded fairly quick with the above answer which I have been using for a while now and works perfect. However I am now running into limitations of the functionalities of this workaround. The main limitation is the button removing all criteria with the "update global criteria" function. When I have criteria selected I want these to be active after clicking the button and switching views again. Do you know if there is the possibility for this with the current workaround? 

  • Hi Glenn,

    I am kind of "abusing" the 'replace global criteria' trigger option to achieve the shown functionality.

    Of course, you can add even more specific local criteria to the click-buttons, but they will still be "hard-coded" and will not be able to respect any user criteria that may have been applied after the document has been opened.

    So, yes, it does have its limitations.

    BR / Ole


  • Hi Ole, great video :)

    but even though I copy your method on my data 1:1, it wont work. i have found that the problem happens in the button part. When i click at the button the criterias dont apply, meaning that my graph stay hidden? have you seen this problem before? do you have a possible solution.

    best regards Tobias

  • Hi Tobias,

    Its hard for me to tell exactly what is going wrong with your data. Lot's of things can go wrong, I am pretty sure, so I am only guessing.

    When you picked the dimensions to be used for "updating global criteria", did you the pick dimensions from the same cube as the other objects were designed from? If not, this could explain why your criteria doesn't apply.

    BR / Ole


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