This dashboard was created for our maps visualization contest and it contains a lot of tips and tricks that really can help you in your daily work creating dashboards with TARGIT.
This tip - based on this dashboard - is around conditional labels to show outliers.
Author of dashboard: Michael Overgaard from TARGIT partner KMD.
Notice the labels on the map in the lower right corner (in the red square). There are only labels on the locations with more than 300.000 confirmed cases.
I guess labels in general on every data point would be impossible on a map with this number of data points – but the idea of singling out the high values (the outliers) is great!
So how has it been done?
If you open the properties of the map and look at the labels tab, you find that there is an if-then-else in the labels drop-down:
Let’s click on the gear wheel in the right hand side of the red square and look under the hood:
So Labels, Mouse-over and Titles uses the same advanced editor where you – among many other things can add an IfThenElse condition (first red square above).
There a more detailed description of using the advanced editor here in this article.
Anyway – here we dig deeper by clicking the conditional text (second red square above).
That will expand the Ifthenelse like this:
Here we see the condition that has been set up – only if the value exceed 300.000 the label should be shown.
A nice trick that is useful in many different scenarios.
Notice – there are 2 other nice tricks based on this dashboard:
Storytelling with enhanced focus points
Create a good scale for color agents in TARGIT
Nice article Niels,
Would it be a way in Targit to set a condition to don't show anything when value is [undefined]?
Thanks in advance,
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