Known Issues (On-prem)

This list displays known issues that are not yet fixed in a release and workarounds where applicable.

High Priority Issues

TypePriorityComponentsSummaryWorkaroundWork in progress
AnywhereInitial criteria works differently in Anywhere and Windows client 
Windows clientNotification job fails with "Interface not supported" after editing and saving criteria 


Low Priority Issues

TypePriorityComponentsSummaryWorkaroundWork in progress
AnywhereAnywhere Client Crosstab Expand Row Always Goes Back to Top of Crosstab  
AnywhereMap labels not placed correct when opening dashboard 
AnywhereTrigger: Bookmarked Report with Relative Link Trigger Throws 404 Not Found Error in Anywhere Client  
AnywhereTrigger: Previous document with drill state can open dashboard with not all criterias/drills applied  
AnywhereEmbedded links: Anywhere is case sensitive 
AnywhereMouse over: Mouse over not matching selected point  
AnywhereSaving bookmark name containing / it will create a folder in the Bookmark section  
AnywhereShared links: Charts are shown as tables when sharing links  
AnywhereTrigger: Print Active layout prints default layout  
AnywhereCTRL does not select member in object with a trigger  
Anywhere ConfigurationAnywhere installation: When upgrading existing installation IdentityProvider is removed  
InsightsNumber of scheduled jobs in Insights doesn't match number in scheduled jobs list  
InsightsScheduled job: Error when running specific Insights document  
ManagementData Model Editor: Focus Switches Away After Editing Display Folder Name  
ManagementManagement: Delete user are still shown as connected after refresh  
ManagementROLAP: Data type handling of measures is not correctThere are two workarounds:

- Change the column type in the database to 64-bit integers instead.
- Change the column name in the measure definition to include the table name. By doing this, the TARGIT Server cannot recognize the column anymore and will stop overriding the "Column type" setting.
ManagementAccess Violation when making changes in Roles while loading databases  
ManagementTree view in Data Model Editor changes position when adding a display folder to a dimension  
ServerROLAP: Problem with dimension directly on the fact table / SQL Server  
ServerROLAP: Include empty members with more than one hierarchy can cause missing subtotals 
ServerCollapse one hierarchy can hide expanded members of the other  
ServerDynamic time without year and lookup table will eventually stop working, requiring a reset  
Windows clientFilter delegate and Decorations on the dimension in use gives you a resultset based on the measures selected in TARGIT Management  
Windows clientVisualization Column chart: Axis interval doubles and cause unpropertional share between white space and bar  
Windows clientNamed colors: Named color removed from fonts on "Recently used" font list  
Windows clientGauge: Converting crosstab/object to gauge will result in blank object  
Windows clientGauge: When converting from crosstab - in properties value can't be added before you have been in define mode and back  
Windows clientSmartpad features like criteria should not be enabled when opening a scheduled job 
Windows clientAccess violation shown when adding KPI value to crosstab in Tabular  
Windows clientIteration tables should not be linked between layouts  
Windows clientError when edit is selected for user dimension with warning icon  
Windows clientCrosstab/Table: Resizing last column is very difficult if scrollbar is needed  
Windows clientSlicer: When selecting a member with dynamic caption, the selection after apply will show the original member name  
Windows clientA slicer set to drop-down and using filter delegate will show the delegated filter after choosing the original filter  
Windows clientScheduled job: Error mail is sent to administrators although job completes with a Warning.  
Windows clientSlicer object: Last member can't be deselected visually, but will be deselected when clicking apply  
Windows clientObject information: Color Agents not displayed with correct color (shows magenta for all)  
Windows clientArea chart: Labels misplaced when opening document. Refresh will place labels correct, but placement not saved  
Windows clientTabular: Dimension tables with just one attribute is presented with table name only in source data  
Windows clientCrosstab saved with sorting and hierarchical collation does not sort total correctly  
Windows clientCriteria in smartpad turns blank when switching between Designer/Consumer  
Windows clientObject criteria are not included when creating notification 
Windows clientText row and object scale in combination can minimize objects size on PDF  
Windows clientDate/time format does not respect regional settings in data objects in some cases  
Windows clientNot possible to add more members to user dimension using member properties 
Windows clientCriteria bar showing '' instead of member when using initial criteria  
Windows clientRemove criteria bar (right click) removes global criteria  
Windows clientCriteria selection in criteria bar does not update after triggering  
Windows clientUnique Name in generic embedding does not allow for dimensions with combined keys to be selected  
Windows clientLocal user dimension title doesn't update  
Windows clientOpen report without data - still loads textboxes  
Windows clientObject "table" - cannot move calculations columns  
Windows clientColumns can not be dragged and dropped at the end  
Windows clientSchedule job succeeds without any source selected  
Windows client"Open" hyperlink does not work 
Data Discovery"Cube not found" error when opening a dashboard and there is a space at the end of the cube 
Data DiscoveryDS: Incorrect dayOfWeekKey value if Danish culture is specified for date dimension 
Plugin: Online Data ProviderDS: Improve error message for Data Discovery 
Driver: CSVDDCSV: String in german date format is interpreted as double instead of dateIt is possible to control metadata types for columns by specifying METADATA section of a query, ie
SELECT * FROM [FilePath] (METADATA: ColumnA(type:datetime, format:'dd.MM.yyyy', ordinal: 1), ColumnB(type:datetime, format:'dd-MM-yyyy', ordinal: 2))
AnywhereAnywhere: Favicon missing  
ManagementRoles Criteria: No selection not working  
Windows clientPadding on Title: Chart title multi line differente x-position per line  
Windows clientCriteria Bar show selected criteria shows "No selected criteria" for static members. Dynamic Time works  
Windows clientHeatmap legend fails in pdf output on Windows client  
Windows clientCriteria Bar: not showing when database, cube, dimension or hierarchy has apostrophes in the name  
Windows clientSaving document while loading data freezes the client  
Windows clientNewly Scheduled Job show "not run yet" even though it is and log can be clicked and displayed  
Windows clientScheduled Job delivery overview shows "batch folder: " (and just empty after) when choosing "destination delivery tab only"  


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