Known Issues (On-prem)

This list displays known issues that are not yet fixed in a release and workarounds where applicable.

High Priority Issues

TypePriorityComponentsSummaryWorkaroundWork in progress
Management"Not a Valid Boolean Value" error when a dimension/measure has = in the name 
Windows clientTab based: Editing scheduled jobs can cause an error in the code and cause other jobs not to run due to queueDisable jobs that has been edited in the newest cloud version (24.10.2001) and the rest of the jobs will run as scheduled
Windows clientTab based: Client crashes when saving new or old scheduled job 
ETL StudioDisabling a component does not disable generating Macro code in IMPD 
Data Discovery Back-endCollection was modified exception 


Low Priority Issues

TypePriorityComponentsSummaryWorkaroundWork in progress
AnywhereMouse over: Mouse over not matching selected point  
AnywhereCriteria Bar: Clicking on "No Selection" and a new member afterwards does not clear the existing members  
AnywhereEmbedded links: Anywhere is case sensitive 
AnywhereExpanded hierarchy not expanded in excel output 
AnywherePrint to PDF: Unable to render chart after clicking 'show data' of a graph 
AnywhereDrilled chart change to crosstab when returning to layout 
AnywhereLoad on startup: Response status code does not indicate success: 404 (Not Found) 
InsightsNumber of scheduled jobs in Insights doesn't match number in scheduled jobs list  
ManagementAccess Violation when making changes in Roles while loading databases  
ServerROLAP: Problem with dimension directly on the fact table / SQL Server  
Windows clientGauge: When converting from crosstab - in properties value can't be added before you have been in define mode and back  
Windows clientVisualization Column chart: Axis interval doubles and cause unpropertional share between white space and bar  
Windows clientScheduled job: Error mail is sent to administrators although job completes with a Warning.  
Windows clientColumns can not be dragged and dropped at the end  
Windows clientA slicer set to drop-down and using filter delegate will show the delegated filter after choosing the original filter  
Windows clientPeriods/Criteria Bar: Making a static selection and click dynamic time and click Editor will crash client 
Windows clientTabular: 16 character limit for measure as text 
Windows clientBookmark cannot be selected for new scheduled job 
Windows clientScheduled job: When clicking source in overview document opens as blank if saved in Designer modeWill work when user try again on same document source
Scheduler ServiceSS: Arguments are not properly passed from master to child scripts 
Scheduler ServiceSS: Cancel execution does not cancel script if it in retry state 
Data DiscoveryDS: Add data source/new folder to a folder when inside a selected folder 
Data DiscoveryTime in DD in Cloud shown in UTC 
Driver: CSVDDCSV: String in german date format is interpreted as double instead of date
It is possible to control metadata types for columns by specifying METADATA section of a query, ie
SELECT * FROM [FilePath] (METADATA: ColumnA(type:datetime, format:'dd.MM.yyyy', ordinal: 1), ColumnB(type:datetime, format:'dd-MM-yyyy', ordinal: 2))
InMemory tiImportSQL Server data source cannot parse connection string with special character ' as password 


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