Trigger - Object Toggling visibility

[Cloud release: 2024.12.04]
[On-prem release: 2025 January]
[On-prem build: 25.01.21002] 

The Trigger option 'Toggle visibility' makes it possible to show/hide other objects in the current dashboard.

Basically, the trigger controls the show/hide feature of the objects in the Objects list (the 'eye' icon).

In order for a Toggle visibility trigger to work on an object, the object's name in the Objects list must be prefixed with a hashtag ("#").

In this example, two groups and four menus have been prefixed with '#'. In this example, we want the MainMenu to always be visible, so this object does not require any '#'.

Also, notice the 'FilterPanel' group that contains three text boxes and four slicer objects. The '#' only needs to be applied to the group, since all the grouped objects will be shown or hidden together as part of the group.

The trigger itself can be applied as any other trigger. The 'Toggle visibility' trigger is categorized under 'Interaction' in the Trigger dialog:

  • Show: Show all objects/groups with the listed hashtag names.
  • Hide: Hide all objects/groups with the listed hashtag names.
  • Toggle: Toggle visibility all objects/groups with the listed hashtag names.


  • A Toggle visibility trigger may perform up to all three actions at once, if necessary.
  • Show is applied first, then Hide, then Toggle.

Hashtag names:

  • Objects and groups names must be prefixed with a hashtag ("#"). Names otherwise supports letters, numbers and underscore ("_").
  • E.g., two different objects with names "#FilterPanel" and "#FilterPanel 1" will both be triggered by "#FilterPanel". In this case, everything after the space will be ignored.

Objects or groups with multiple hashtag names:

  • An object or a group can have multiple hashtag names.
  • Hashtag names should be separated by a comma or a space.
  • E.g., one object could be named "#SalesSubMenu, #MenuLevel2".

Triggers with multiple hashtag names:

  • You can add as many hashtag names as you need into any of the three show/hide/toggle fields in the Trigger dialog.
  • Keep hashtag names separated by a comma if you do so.

Note regarding exports: When you export a full document to Excel, each object will be exported to an individual sheet in Excel. By default, these sheets will be named according to the object names in the Object List. In this case, you may want to customize the sheet names. You can do this via the 'Export settings' for each document - see Export settings - Excel sheet title

Note regarding Menu objects: Properties for a Menu object can only be accessed if the Menu object is visible. As a Designer user, you may need to open the Object list and manually change visibility by clicking the 'Eye' icon.

Video, Object Toggling use cases:

Video, Object Toggling How To:

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1 comment
  • Great Work !!!

    Best Feature of the year 2024 !!!


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