TARGIT Decision Suite Installation - configuration options

Configuration of components

The configuration options vary for each component.
To configure the individual components, click on the pinwheel next to the component and remove the check mark in “Use default settings”.
Then you are presented with the configurable options for the component.


The server configuration allows you to select custom paths for the application files and the data files.
You can also choose if you want to install the standard TARGIT demo data.



TARGIT Data Discovery

Options for TARGIT Data Discovery are arranged on four tabs.

On the General tab you can modify the installation path for the application files.

On the Data Manager tab, you can modify the URL and port for the data manager.
Make sure the URL resolves to the current computer and that the port is open in firewalls.


On the Language tab you can choose which languages you want available in the TARGIT Data Discovery interface.


On the final tab TARGIT Server you can change which server you want TARGIT Data Discovery to attach to.
If TARGIT Data Discovery is installed on the same computer as TARGIT Server, you should not change the default settings.


TARGIT InMemory Database

For the TARGIT InMemory Database you can modify the configuration for the application path and the path for databases and other data.
You can also enter a custom password for the TARGIT InMemory Database server.
The password is required to setup a connection in the TARGIT Server Management.
Default password is Pa$$W0rd – PAPA alpha Dollar Dollar WHISKEY Zero romeo delta.



TARGIT InMemory ETL Studio

For the TARGIT InMemory ETL Studio you can override the default application path.


TARGIT InMemory ETL Scheduler Service

For the TARGIT InMemory ETL Scheduler Service you can override the default application path and the data path.


TARGIT InMemory Data Drivers

For the TARGIT InMemory Data Drivers you can override the default application path.



TARGIT Anywhere Configuration
For the TARGIT Anywhere Configuration you can override the default application path.

Note: this is not the installation path for the TARGIT Anywhere website but only the installation path for the configuration tool.


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