TARGIT Management - Data Request Cache

Data Request Cache

In TARGIT Management you can configure the way data request caching done in your TARGIT implementation.

Pick setup from the general TARGIT Management menu, and then choose Front-end.



In the upper right corner of the Front-end properties dialogue you find the settings for Data Request Cache.



The following settings may be turned up or down for data request caching:

Cache size limit (Mb):

Makes it possible to set the maximum size for the disk space allowed for caching (in Mb, default 1024 Mb).

Minimum free disk Space (Mb):

Makes it possible to indicate the minimum size of free disk space required to enable the cache (in Mb, default 256 Mb).

File count limit:

Makes it possible to set the maximum number of files in the cache. (Default 1000 files).
Idle file expiration (days): Makes it possible to indicate the number of days an idle cache file is kept before it is deleted (default 10 days).

Note that caching of data requests may be set to on or off on a database connection.

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