Object styling: Borders, corners, padding etc.
You can add further styling to any object type. The styling options are these:
- Borders
- Padding
- Background color
- Corner radius
Section: Styling
Article: Object styling
Subscribe to Scheduled job
With the Subscription delivery type you can add a job to a general Subscription list. From this list, end-users will be able to subscribe to individual jobs and receive the scheduled output directly in their inbox.
When an end-user subscribes to a job, his or her email address is automatically added to the job. So, the main differences between an Email delivery type and the Subscription delivery type are these:
- With the Email delivery type, the Designer user decides and administrates who should receive the output.
- With the Subscription delivery type, the individual end-user decides and administrates if he or she should receive the output.
Section: Scheduled jobs
Article: Subscribe to Scheduled jobs
Use TARGIT folders as Export folders
When setting up a Scheduled Job with the 'Folder' delivery type, you can select a folder in the TARGIT folder structure (the VFS) for export.
End-users will be able to access the exported documents via the TARGIT client. The new type of files can be filtered as an 'Other' document type from the Start page. When opened, they will open in the associated application (e.g., Adobe Reader for PDF files, Excel for xlsx files, etc.).
Section: Scheduled jobs
Article: Use TARGIT folders as Export folders
Assign multiple documents to one scheduled job
When setting up a scheduled job, you can enable Multiselect - meaning that you can add multiple documents (dashboards and/or reports) to a single scheduled job.
Section: Scheduled jobs
Article: Scheduled job with multiple documents
Hide inaccessible objects
Allow users with different access rights to open dashboards with data from different data sources without having to react to warnings or error messages.
This is an option that the Designer user can enable on the whole document or on individual objects. Inaccessible objects would otherwise show up with error messages to the user.
Note: While this feature is designed with different users' different access rights in mind, hiding inaccessible objects will work in all cases where data is inaccessible, including:
- The cube not being accessible, e.g., cube not been processed.
- A dimension not being accessible, e.g., dimension been renamed.
- A measure not being accessible, e.g., measure been deleted.
Section: Visibility
Article: Hide inaccessible objects
Online Demo Data
TARGIT' demo data has moved away from Demo Data installed on the local server to Demo Data installed in the cloud.
If TARGIT decides to update the cloud based Demo database or documents, these changes will automatically reflect, with a slight delay, in the customers TARGIT installation.
Section: Demo Data
Article: Online Demo Data
Parametric Roles for Windows Security
In short, a Parametric Role is a role that will be able to use additional user account information from your AD to create dynamic Roles settings. E.g. if the AD accounts contain Department information, this information can be picked during user login and used, for instance, for Forced criteria settings in the Parametric Role.
While Parametric Roles has been supported for OpenID providers for a while, it is now also supported for Windows Security AD.
Section: OpenID
Article: Parametric Roles for Windows Security
Force login to use OpenID only
This option is useful in organizations where you want your users to use OpenID and two-factor authentication when logging in to TARGIT. You will then be able to disable the Windows Security login options.
Section: OpenID
Article: Force login to use OpenID only
Data Service as external service
The service running Data Discovery, Data Service, can be set up to run as an external service.
This is only relevant if Data Discovery is supposed to run on in a domain different from the TARGIT server's domain. If you install Data Discovery on the same server as the TARGIT server, or on a server in the same domain as the TARGIT server, you don't need to run Data Discovery as an external service.
Section: Installation
Article: Data Service / Data Discovery as external service
Data Service as IIS Application pool
From TARGIT 2022 the service running TARGIT Data Discovery is no longer a standard Service. It has now become an Application pool in the Internet Information Server (IIS).
This change has an impact on how you stop/start/restart Data Discovery, if required. Also, it has an impact on how to set up the account running this pool.
Section: Installation
Article: Data Service as IIS Application pool
Salesforce embedding app
TARGIT is available from the Salesforce Appexchange and it will install a Lightning component that makes it very easy to add an embedded TARGIT client within Salesforce.
Section: Anywhere
Article: Salesforce embedding app
DAX - optimized handling of subtotals
With this version, queries send to a DAX/tabular data warehouse will respect client settings with regard to Totals and Subtotals. I.e., if Subtotals has been disabled in the client, Subtotals will not be part of the query, and the end-user will get a much better user experience.
Section: SSAS Tabular
Article: DAX - optimized handling of subtotals
Pyramid chart
The Pyramid chart is a new addition to the range of TARGIT object types. It is essentially an upside-down Funnel chart - including the same settings as for the Funnel chart.
Section: Chart formatting
Article: Pyramid chart
Kerberos (Impersonation/Delegation) Setup
Setting up Kerberos (Impersonation/Delegation) in an TARGIT 2022 Spring or later environment.
Section: Governance
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